Monday, May 5, 2014


A humble presentation - a spontaneous result of awe and inspiration on my reading - THE SUFI PATH OF LOVE. The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi by William C. Chittick

A compilation of 100 articles from my writings as commemoration
on the Glorious 100 th Milad Mubarak 

Saturday, May 3, 2014


A reflection based on an observation of seeing and how a particular common sight is seen in different perspective, depending upon who is SEEING

Many scientific studies have been made in recent years, which go to prove that we have the capacity to make ourselves happy, contended and satisfied.


SHAITAN is an interesting enigmatic character. Find out all about him. The presentation is based on my belief system.


The shahadat of Imam Husain (s.a.) on the burning sands of Karbala is the essence of a mumin's life.
A  mumin is born in this world to perform matam and do aho-zari on the zulm and sitam that befell Imam-ul-Haq the beloved of Rasullalah (s.a.)
Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin Moula in his munajaat sharifa has beautifully articulated the sentiment of, forever remembering Husain (s.a.) in the following words:
WA AZKURU MOULAYAL HUSAINA DAA LANA, BE SAJDATEHE INDASH SHAHADATAY SAEELA (I always remember Moula Husain (s.a.) who during his shahadat remembered us in his Doa)

ABKIKA MOLAYAL HUSAIN is the crowning jewel of Fatemi eulogy. Each verse is a precious
and rare gem, full of pathos, pain, yearning and vivid imagery.

Each verse is infused with spirituality – the esoteric meanings, the haqaiq – the universal truths
radiate in many verses, and the fluidity of narration takes the one who is blessed to recite,
through the tragic events of Karbala.

One important aspect of ABKIKA that I would like to dwell on in particular, is that the
accompanying translation of each verse in lisan ul dawat, is not merely the translation of the
Arabic, but it encompasses the thought process of Aqa Moula (TUS) – as he dwelt on the
tragic events of Karbala. As he pictured in his minds eye, the thoughts, that arose to me seems
to be coming from al-haykal al noorani (the pillar of Light of the effervesce souls) The ta’eed of
Imam uz Zaman (SA) is evident.

Friday, May 2, 2014


In the early 19th Century in Surat, Sayedi Sadiqali Saheb entombed in his lucid and easy to understand and relate to Nashihats for Posterity - Haqaiq truths- Noble and desirable human traits -A’maal ma’roof - The pitfalls of this world and most importantly the valaayat and maa’refat of Dai ul Mutlaq